
Rethinking How the Built Environment Impacts Physical, Mental and Societal Wellbeing

The pandemic and other recent societal unrest have highlighted the importance of incorporating design strategies that support health, promote wellbeing, address inequities and encourage investment.
By Nick Maletta
October 13, 2020
by Nick Maletta
Nick Maletta is an account executive and shareholder at Holmes Murphy and Associates working exclusively with design professionals and the AEC community. Nick has authored many articles at the local, regional and national level, notably an AIA Best Practice in 2016, and CFMA Building Profits article in 2020. Nick is an active member of the Professional Liability Agents Network (PLAN) and serves as an Allied member for both the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC). Contact Maletta at or (515) 210-9898.

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