
Generational Challenges and Opportunities in Addressing Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

Employers who can leverage the strengths of various generations, while successfully navigating the differences, will reap the rewards by making the multigenerational workplace culture a source of competitive advantage.
By Ali Payne and Cal Beyer
November 7, 2020
by Ali Payne
Ali Payne, MS is President for ethOs, a Holmes Murphy Company. Ali leads a team of engagement and wellbeing experts who work with clients to not only develop a strategy to drive employee engagement, but also helping them focus on the right employee experience and resources for their employee demographics. Ali has more than 20 years of knowledge and expertise in the organizational wellbeing, culture, and employee experience industry. Contact Payne at or (515) 381-7466.
by Cal Beyer
Cal Beyer is the Director of Risk Management at Lakeside Industries in Issaquah, Wash. Cal has over 27 years of professional experience in safety, insurance and risk management serving the construction industry. He serves on the Executive Committee and is the Co-Lead for the Workplace Task Force of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. He also serves on the 2016 Editorial Review Board for Construction Business Owner. Cal received the Danny Parrish Outstanding Leadership Award in 2016 from the Construction Financial Management Association for his work on suicide prevention.

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