Five Steps to Moving Forward Along the Road to Digitalization
Investing in digitalization and leveraging technology for innovative solutions and real-time insights can increase productivity, reduce costs and safeguard against hazards.
By Noah Dolgoy
January 9, 2021
by Noah Dolgoy
Noah Dolgoy was first exposed to the challenges of managing heavy equipment and subcontractors when he started a residential construction business while attending university. After pursuing a JD/MBA from the University of Toronto, Noah worked in infrastructure private equity and corporate law and subsequently advised an excavation company where he experienced the same challenges as in his first business, prompting him to turn to technology. Tread, a digital platform that makes the business of moving construction materials easier, faster and more profitable, was founded in 2016 and today helps its customers improve budgets, timelines, and visibility into cycle times while analyzing data and delivering action-based reports on where to find operational efficiencies. Tread is based in Toronto.
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