
Ethically Blending Design Concepts During the Multifamily Boom

With multifamily becoming the predominantly accessible housing source, developers are navigating the ethics of incorporating fashion, function, technology and sustainability into the designs of these projects.
By Blima Ehrentreu
June 5, 2024

In the realm of contemporary housing, a transformative shift is unfolding, placing multifamily living at the forefront. A National Apartment Association report highlights a significant statistic: Nearly 35% of Americans now reside in rental properties, underscoring the escalating demand for multifamily housing. This trend is particularly pronounced in urban centers, where accessibility to amenities and convenience play a pivotal role in decision-making.

Research by the Urban Land Institute uncovers a multifaceted demand for multifamily housing driven not just by millennials but also by a rising number of baby boomers seeking downsized living spaces without compromising convenience. This demographic evolution highlights the crucial need for well-designed and adaptable multifamily interiors.


Founder and CEO of The Designers Group Blima Ehrentreu says: "At TDG, our approach to residential projects aims to create spaces that resonate as uniquely personal, allowing residents to claim them as their own. Our objective is to shape spaces that emanate warmth, comfort and a sense of belonging."

TDG recognizes the emotional impact well-designed multifamily interiors can have on individuals and their wellbeing, which is why a hallmark of the company’s philosophy is inclusive design, ensuring that every individual, regardless of financial, physical or geographical mobility, can experience fashion, function and comfort. The result is an environment where everyone can live comfortably and move freely, fostering a sense of belonging for all residents.

In heavily trafficked areas, this design concept employs the strategic use of durable materials like marble and stone, enhancing longevity and minimizing maintenance costs, ensuring that the design withstands the test of time for many residents to come.


In an era marked by environmental awareness and sustainability, TDG embraces the responsibility of creating multifamily spaces that keep not only residents happy but the planet. By incorporating energy-efficient lighting, low-VOC paints and materials with a minimal carbon footprint, TDG sets a standard for responsible design in the multifamily industry. By prioritizing sustainability, TDG reflects the growing awareness among residents and investors alike, who increasingly seek environmentally responsible living spaces. The approach of blending the fashion and function that families deserve with the price they can afford and the environmental responsibility they seek is a concept many in the multifamily sector are beginning to embrace if they haven’t already.

This concept also extends to mixed-use spaces, where flexible layouts and multifunctional designs promote longevity and use by all residents, as well as reduce the need for extensive renovations. This supports the idea of a circular economy, where resources are optimized and waste minimized around an evolving tenant clientele.

Embracing the modern age, technological advancements are being increasingly incorporated into multifamily designs as well, enhancing the resident experience even further. From automated lighting systems that adapt to residents' preferences to smart home features that streamline daily tasks, technology adds even more sophistication and comfort to multifamily living.


Technology is also playing a part in multifamily residences even before leases are signed and furniture is moved. Certain virtual-reality technology allows stakeholders to experience the design before construction through a VR tour, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the design and design process and reducing costly rework after the fact. The tours also facilitate precise feedback collection, cutting down on potential issues and streamlining construction, creating a collaborative environment and strengthening the sense of ownership among stakeholders. This interactive design approach ensures the sound design of multifamily units, attracting and retaining more residents.

A holistic design approach for developers transcends individual companies. Projects like these set trends and become case studies for the future of multifamily housing. The ability for developers to strike a balance between sophistication, accessibility, affordability and sustainability enhances the marketability of multifamily properties, making them not only a possible choice but a preferred choice for investors, developers and residents alike. This innovative approach ensures long-term desirability and success for properties, their owners and their residents in a dynamic real-estate landscape.

by Blima Ehrentreu
Blima Ehrentreu is the founder and CEO of The Designers Group. Her passion for empowering women, giving back to the community and championing women in the workforce earned her the Globe St. Women of Influence award in 2020 and 2022 and Crains Notable Leaders in Real Estate in 2023. With a diverse project portfolio that spans the residential, hospitality, healthcare and commercial sectors, The Designers Group is a key leader in the industry, specializing in high-end interior design.

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