Don’t Ignore Auto Insurance, Excess Liability and Cybersecurity Risks
Mary Grandy specializes in the design, implementation, and management of insurance and risk management solutions for clients in the construction industry. In particular, her expertise in managing litigated construction claims delivers unique value. Mary began her career more than 20 years ago as a claims adjuster, and her strong coverage knowledge and advocacy skills have helped to save her clients millions of dollars. In 2017, she was honored as one of only six people to be recognized nationally as a Construction Industry “Power Broker” by Risk & Insurance Magazine.
Trish Drew has specialized in the risk management and insurance needs of construction industry clients for her 35-year career, working as a risk manager for one of the nation’s largest commercial general contractors and as account and client services executive for both regional and national insurance brokers. She holds an Associate in Risk Management designation from the American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters, as well as the Certified Insurance Counselor and Certified Risk Manager designations from the National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research.
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