
Building Bonding Capacity From an Underwriter’s Perspective

The bonding industry has its own version of “The 3 Cs.” These common questions can help contractors grow their bonding programs.
By Edin Zukanovic, Joshua Etemadi and Chris Gleason
February 1, 2022
by Edin Zukanovic
Edin Zukanovic has 15 years of experience working with contractors of all sizes for their surety bonding needs. He was recognized as one of the Top 5 Outstanding SBA agents in the country in 2020. District Bonding, LLC is an independently owned surety bond-only agency in Leesburg, Va. 
by Joshua Etemadi
Joshua Etemadi has been in the surety industry since 2007. While with a locally owned bond-only agency in Fairfax, VA, he helped grow the company over 300%, which led to the acquisition by a Top 100 P&C agency in 2010. Josh continued to manage operations and grew the bond department to one of the most reputable small to mid-sized contractor bond agencies in the United States, with clients all across the country. Josh has been recognized for his efforts in the industry and has also testified to the U.S. Senate on surety issues. District Bonding, LLC is an independently owned surety bond-only agency in Leesburg, Va. 
by Chris Gleason
Chris Gleason has over 30 years of surety underwriting experience, working for several of the top 25 surety companies in the US. He has been with RLI for the past 20 years focused primarily in their Contract Surety practice, and specializing in construction risks. Learn more about RLI at RLICORP.COM.

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