
The Future Is Now for Digital Project Management and Compliance Processes
Drop the pencils and clipboards and stride with confidence into the future of construction management.
By Sergey Sundukovskiy
August 18, 2017
by Sergey Sundukovskiy
Before Co-Founding Raken, Dr. Sergey Sundukovskiy served in capacities of Chief Technology Officer, Chief Information Officer and Chief Product Officer. Sundukovskiy is a serial entrepreneur co-founding multiple successful Startups focused on Small Business Marketing and eCommerce. Sundukovskiy specializes in the implementation of subscription based high volume SaaS platforms, with strong emphasis on early stage product development, product marketing and customer acquisition. Sundukovskiy has a B.A. in Computer Science from the University of California, San Diego, M.S. in Information Technology from the University of Liverpool, and Ph.D. in Information Technology Management from the School of Business and Technology, Capella University.
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